Let’s be honest, Fearless Records has not really put out many good records and their list of artists is not at all impressive. In reality, the last few (or most of) Fearless releases were below average and have definitely been forgotten. That is why I held back from listening to
Waiter: "You Vultures!" by Fearless’s newest, Portugal. The Man. In fact, I would not even have listened to it at all if I didn’t stumble upon their
very strange video for "AKA M80 The Wolf" on YouTube. Portugal. The Man is like a less hyper and more structured version of The Blood Brothers. The hyperness is what makes The Blood Brothers great, but Portugal. The Man "watered" that down brilliantly! Ok, let me put it this way, let’s say that The Blood Brothers and Portugal. The Man are the states of an individual, The Blood Brothers is when that individual is on E while Portugal. The Man is when that same person is high on weed or shrooms. For me, led singer John Baldwin Gourley’s vocal is the highlight of Portugal. The Man. For most parts of
Waiter: "You Vultures!", Gourley sings in falsetto. In fact, Gourley voice ranges so high at times that it sounds like a female is on vocal instead. In addition, Gourley’s vocal is so soft and echolike sometimes that it sounds ghostly and haunting. Portugal. The Man is signed to a punk label, but they do not make punk music. I think they are more indie rock or psychedelic rock with a hint of experimentation.
How The Leopard Got Its Spots [wicked-cool song]Stables & Chairs [wicked-cool song]AKA M80 The Wolf [wicked-cool song]Elephants
Bad, Bad Levi Brown
Horse Warming Party [wicked-cool song]***all files have expired, reload upon request buy
Waiter: "You Vultures!" here
I'm sort of feeling this band; and I don't know the Blood Brothers that well, but I'd say they are more like a poor man's version of Mars Volta.
blood brothers > mars volta
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