B. Fleischmann’s new disc The Humbucking Coil can be classified as sounding something between The Album Leaf and Air; although not as earthy sounding as The Album Leaf and not as up-beat and jazzy as Air. The album features only two vocal tracks: "Gain" and "From To". These two songs are highlights for me maybe because they contrast from the other instrumental tracks, or maybe because of the gentle voices and interesting lyrics heard on both recordings. Nevertheless, the rest of The Humbucking Coil consists of relaxing and beautiful instrumental songs. By relaxing, I don’t mean that they will put you to sleep. I guess what I am trying to say is that the tracks on The Humbucking Coil are like ambient/techno music for slow-dancing... you know, it is soothing music that you want to dance to... with someone or by yourself... if that makes any sense at all.
First Times
Static Grate
From To
***all files expire in 7 days
buy The Humbucking Coil here
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