Let’s see, what have I been doing in Osaka so far? The first day, I went to this mall called Hep-Five. Omg, what an experience! There were absolutely no old people at the mall... just a bunch of crazy-fashion young kids. Oh, and the place was freaking huge, it had like ten floors or something! Sure, there is some really cheap stuff here, but most of the clothes I saw were pretty expensive. There’s a Virgin Mega Store there... I got the Japanese version of Sigur Rós’
Sæglópur EP for about $15... I was pretty happy about that, but damn, most of the CDs there are soooooo expensive!!!

I also went to a shopping arcade at Shinsaibashi. That place was amazing! There were like billboards/advertisements everywhere and again, thousands of shops and foodstands. I got a black blazer and a pair of red Converse All Star, the former was $19 and the latter was $28. I know, I still can’t believe that I got a blazer for $19!!!!!!! So I eventually wonder out of the shopping arcade and started walking around the side streets, etc., where there were more stores and I even found an American Apparel! I got majorly lost and I actually got some guy at a store to draw me a map on how to get to the nearest station. I did not understand his directions at all, but lucky, I ran into a train station shortly after.

The second day (yesterday), I went to Uemachi Daichi Historical Site Promenade near the Shitennoji-mae Yuhigaoka station. That place was gorgeous! There were so many temples and cemeteries. It felt really good because the area was extremely quiet, and I think I was the only tourist there. I talked to this monk for a little at one temple, he was extremely nice... he asked me what I was from, what I was talking in school, etc.

Anyways, after that, I hopped back onto the train and went to Den-Den Town. Den-Den Town is this area full of electronic, used CDs and DVDs, Manga, toys, and random porno stores. Liam, I will probably be able to find your CDs here for cheaper, but I forgot the list at home that day. Don’t worry, I am hitting up Tokyo soon... I am sure there’ll be used CD stores there, and if not, I am planning to go back to Den-Den Town later, so I’ll get them then. So again, I got pretty lost there and ended up asking for directions at a police station. Anyways, I think that’s about up to date on my adventures in Japan, see you kids later!
Ps, I am soooooooo missing diet Pepsi right now... apparently, it doesn’t exist in Japan... WTF!!?!?
here to see more pictures from Osaka
wow Jackman, sounds like you are living it up Japan style! blazer for $19, good job!! Sorry to hear you're missing one eye! Oh yeah, so pepsi supposedly doesn't do well because the Japanese don't like carbonated beverages... but i heard they have a product called Pep-tea! Pepsi’s version of a cold tea beverage, have you seen this around??? Anyways, hope you’re having fun on y our 5th and 6th days!!
no, the have lots of carbonated drinks, just not regular pepsi or diet pepsi... they have pepsi twist and two other kinds that i don't really like... i am forced to drink diet coke now... so sad!
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