A is for August 1994, the year Sigur Rós was formed.
A is also for Arni & Kinski, who are responsible for breathtaking Sigur Rós videos such as "Hoppípolla" and "Glósóli".
B is for blindness. Jónsi (Sigur Rós’ lead singer) is blind in one eye since birth.
C is for The Calculation Car (Reiknibíllinn). Sigur Rós did the voices for this Icelandic children’s mathematics video game.
D is for "Dauðlagið" aka Untitled 7 from ( ), which translates to "The Death Song".
E is for Englar Alheimsins, an Icelandic film which featured two songs by Sigur Rós: "Bíum Bíum Bambaló" and "Dánarfregnir Og Jarðarfarir".
[download: Dánarfregnir Og Jarðarfarir]
F is for "Fljúgðu", Sigur Rós’ first recorded song.
F is also for Frakkur, the name of Jónsi’s solo act.
G is for Grammy nominations. Sigur Rós received two Grammy nominations for ( ), best alternative music album and best recording package.
H is for Hopelandic. It is a language invented by Jónsi. All the vocals on ( ) as well as track 7-9 on Takk... are sung in Hopelandic.
I is for Iceland, where the members of Sigur Rós are from.
J is for Jón Þór Birgisson, aka Jónsi, the lead singer of Sigur Rós.
K is for Kjartan Sveinsson, aka Kjarri, who is the only member of Sigur Rós that studied music.
L is for The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, a Wes Anderson’s film that featured the song "Starálfur".
M is for Mosfellsbžr, where Sigur Rós’ converted swimming pool studio is located.
N is for "Njósnavélin" aka "The Spy Machine" aka "Untitled #4". This song is from ( ) and it also appeared in Cameron Crowe’s Vanilla Sky.
O is for "Over The Pond". A song by The Album Leaf in which Jónsi led his vocal on.
P is for Natalie Portman, who is a fan of Sigur Rós.
Q is for queer... Jónsi is gay.
R is for Geoff Rickly, lead singer of Thursday, who recorded an amazing cover of "Ný Batterí".
S is for Sigurrós, the name of Jónsi’s little sister and where the band’s name came from.
T is for Takk… their forth studio album released in 2005.
U is for unique... Sigur Rós is one of the most unique bands ever!
V is for 'victory rose', the English translation of Sigur Rós.
V is also for Sigur Rós’ first album, Von.
W is for We Are Scientists, who performed a pretty good acoustic cover of "Hoppípolla" live on BBC Radio 1.
X is for John X, Sigur Rós’s manager.
Y is for... ummm... y sounds same as icelandic "i" or "í". This is taken straight from the Sigur Rós website, so it is Sigur Rós related.
Z is for "Zephyr", the English translated title for "Andvari" from Takk...
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buy all things Sigur Rós here
In response to "Q,"
He is?
Taken from Sigur Rós' website: http://sigur-ros.co.uk/band/faq.php#15
"is it true that jónsi is gay?
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