The New Pornographers’
Challengers is without a doubt, one of the finest pop records of the year. The majority of the band’s forth studio full-length projects a pleasant and uplifting energy. Like Britt Daniel, Carl Newman has a gifted ability to create captivating fun pop hits. I can totally picture songs such as "Challengers", "All The Things That Go To Make Heaven And Earth", and "Entering White Cecilia", being used in future low-key indie films along the line of
Thumbsucker and
Rocket Science.
ChallengersAll The Things That Go To Make Heaven And Earth [wicked-cool song]Mutiny, I Promise You***all files expire in 7 days or until bandwidth reaches its limit
Challengers comes out on August 21 (in two days!), you can pre-order it
love love love the new album!!
Not really a fan of New Pornographers, but I like the songs you linked.
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