Bishi’s debut album,
Nights At The Circus is one of the most original records of the year. Bishi’s style is quite extraordinary: she mixes Indian folk music with pop/dance elements... indeed, (other than The Beatles’ "Within You Without You") there is probably nothing in your music library that sounds even remotely similar to anything on
Nights At The Circus. I have known about Bishi for a long time now simply because Patrick Wolf had mentioned about her in numerous occasions; however, it was not untill exactly a week ago that I got to hear/witness her remarkable talent when she opened for Patrick Wolf. I have been listening to Bishi’s debut record non-stop since then because it is just so refreshing and catchy! Listen to the opening track, "Nights Circus" just a few times and I can assure you that the sitar melodies as well as the lyrics
"nights at the circus, day at the fair, take me there, take me there" will be struck in your head for days. Be cautious, you will fall madly in love with Bishi as
Nights At The Circus is a perfect pop sensation!
Nights Circus [wicked-cool song]Never Seen Your Face [wicked-cool song]On My Own Again [wicked-cool song]Namaste [wicked-cool song]***all files expire in 7 days or until bandwidth reaches its limitvisit Bishi's MySpace
Never Seen Your Face Singles here
I was able to buy a CD of remixes of Never Seen Your Face when I saw Bishi open for Patrick Wolf, and since then I've been trying to buy Nights At The Circus and it's impossible! I think it might be possible for hmv.co.uk to ship to me in Canada, but I don't want to think about the postage. Damn.
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