I went to this crazy fireworks festival thing the other day... I think it was supposed to be the biggest firework display in the world or something like that. The thing lasted for about an hour and the finale was absolutely spectacular! There were so many fireworks going off at once that the entire night sky turned red... at one point, it was so bright that I had to close my eyes... I have never seen anything like that before!

Oh, and check this out... I got really strong during my stay in Osaka and managed to lift this gigantic blowfish!!!

Yesterday, I went to the city of Nara with Jesse. We saw a shit load of shrines, temples, and deer. The main temple there was probably the Todaiji Temple. The place was massive... it had a handful of huge Buddha statues inside... definitely a pretty astonishing place!! After, Jesse and I went on an endless hike through the mountains... seriously, we hiked for like hours!

We ended up at the top of this one point and witnessed an amazing but terrifying view of the city. So, we were pretty much lost for the most part, and we ended up following this road for cars downhill... oh, did I mention that it was getting dark as we were wandering through the forest/mountain... it was kind of scary! Anyways, we made it through and now I am getting ready to head to Tokyo for a few days!!
here to see more Osaka pictures
here to see more Nara pictures
Hey dude!
Looks like you're having an amazing time and is that... is that RED SUSPENDERS???? Love the new antlers, they totally suit you. I hope you found a hotel in Tokyo and that you're not sleeping under some bridge. Can't wait for the next update!
don`t worry, i am not sleeping under a bridge... i am actually at a hotel in tokyo right now... btw tricia, you have to email me the type of balls you want me to get you... hehe, that sounds so wrong and dirty. hope to hear from you soon!
also tricia, when are you going to make a post on my blog??? you better post something cool before i get back... or i`ll never talk to you again... just kidding.
I'm experiencing extreme camera envy!Again! I hate your camera (because I love your camera). The pictures are amazing, but I dunno about the red suspenders. Hahaha.
damn, sounds like a good adventure, when you guys were fighting did you get really mad at eachother and almost breakup?!? Jackman we all know that you're not that strong, besides blow fish are just full of air anyways! I love those bambi pictures and i wish i could have been there during the fireworks, you pictures are awesome!
p.s I hate to admit this, but i miss you!!!!!!!
p.p.s I went to you apt last night to chill with millie, and she's renting out your room to some homeless dude for like $15/day! What an entrepreneur eh!
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