So, that was about 4/5 days ago... so what did I do for the rest of the time?? Hmmm... I was dreadfully sick and stayed in bed the entire time! I was planning to go see the Gozan Fire Festival in Kyoto and do some shopping on my last few days, but that did not happen. So yesterday was my flight back, still feeling like crap, but I wanted to come home soooo badly that I got on the plane anyway... well, that was a bad idea, I vomited non-stop, couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, had absolutely no energy and felt like I was going to faint every time I stood up... I actually had to be wheel-chaired out both times from the Vancouver airport to the Toronto terminal and then again from the Toronto airport to the exit. That was like the worst flight ever!!!!!! The only good thing that came out was that I met some extremely kind and caring flight attendants and that I didn’t have to wait in line for anything, I basically went through the customs, etc in no time... that was sweet. I feel a little better now, but I have a feeling this sickness if far from over.
See more pictures from the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum in my Osaka gallery.
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