Wednesday, May 17, 2006

featured artist: Yoko Tanaka

Tiny Showcase’s featured piece this week is by an artist named Yoko Tanaka... even though "Glass Store" does not exemplify Tanaka’s style (at all) and it is definitely not one of Tanaka’s best works. Instead, go to Yoko Tanaka’s beautiful site to see some truly amazing acrylic paintings. To sum up... in a really general description: Tanaka’s acrylic paintings feature modest human and sometimes animal characters with realistic and heartfelt emotions; in addition, she combines those characters with hints of fantasy and dream elements... they are absolutely gorgeous! Her "Suicide" editorial is one of the saddest and most beautiful pieces I’ve even seen (it almost made me cry when I first saw it)... I have to have it!!! I also really like her work on the Earl D. series as well as the Zibits Family series.

Make sure you go visit Yoko Tanaka's site here

1 comment:

roro said...

yeah, these are fucking cool...