I just got back from the Alkaline Trio concert at the Kool Haus. It was the most fun I had at a concert in a very long time… actually, it was my first punk concert in over a year. As promised by the band on their website, they played their first album,
Goddamnit in its entirety. Before the show, I told my friends that I’ll probably head into the moshpit as
Goddamnit is my favorite A3 album! I haven’t been in a real moshpit in soooooo long!!! As the boys from A3 took stage with "Cringe", I waited for a few seconds, got a good look at the members, took my glasses off, and handed them, along with my cellphone and wallet to my friends and charged into the crowd. The pit was fucking awesome! Half way through Cringe, I tapped this tall guy beside me and gave him the international sign of
"I want to crowdsurf, so help me get up", but he was like
"no"... and I was like
"WTF!?!?"... he must have thought that I was asking if he wanted to crowdsurf, goddamn amateur!! So, I moved away from that douche by the second song and asked another person who actually knew what I wanted and help me get up and I crowdsurfed for the first time in three years (I think)... it was so much fun!!! Oh, yea, I am one of those annoying person who crowdsurfs like a billion times at a concert and kicks everybody on the head (sorry) each time. Actually, I think I only crowdsurfed like three or four times at this concert... I am getting too old for that shit. A3’s set was remarkable; they sounded great and played an extremely long show... although I wanted more. Matt Skiba finished off the
Goddamnit section of the show with a solo acoustic performance of "Sorry About That". He then played another acoustic song before switching with Dan Andriano, who also played two solo acoustic songs. I know that one of the songs played acoustically was "Blue In The Face", but I don’t remember what the other two were. Anyways, after that, the rest of the band came back out and played another set of songs from the other albums. Oh, they were amazing, especially when they ended with "Radio" as everyone sang along to it. I think I’ll stop my rambling now, I need to take a shower because I smell and have other peoples’ sweat on me... ew!
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