I haven’t listened to so much pop punk since first year of university! There has been some great pop punk releases this year: Hit The Lights’
This Is A Stick Up... Don't Make It A Murder and
Apocalypse In Increments by Ryan’s Hope. Now, add Set Your Goals’
Mutiny! to that list.
Mutiny! is not your typical MTV pop punk band in that the lyrics are hardly about hating girls or how much your ex-girlfriend ruined your life. Instead, it is about taking chances/self realizations ("Work In Progress, Dead Men Tell No Tales" and "Flight Of The Navigator"); commentary on the people's concept of selling out ("We Do It For The Money, OBVIOUSLY!"); liberation ("Mutiny!" and "Don't Let This Win Over You"); commentary on religion ("An Old Book Misread")… the lines
"organized crime comes in more forms than one, and your god is no exception" is so goddamn clever!!!; anyways, I think you get the idea… now download the songs below and have fun listening to Set Your Goals.
Please note, one great thing about
Mutiny! is the incredible transitions from song to song. So, if you enjoy the songs below, I think you’d love the album as a whole even more, so make sure you go to your local music store and buy
Mutiny!Work In Progress [wicked-cool song]We Do It For The Money, OBVIOUSLY! [wicked-cool song]Dead Men Tell No Tales [wicked-cool song]Mutiny! [wicked-cool song]An Old Book Misread [super-wicked-cool song]Flight Of The Navigator***files have expired, reload upon requestbuy
Mutiny! here.
JACKMAN this question has perplexed me for years... where the hell do you find the time to:
A) find out about all this shit
B) right all of these long winded (yet lovely) blog posts
c) Do all of your homework
D) get a frappachino (sp?) everyday?????
Inquiring minds want to know!
i use magic... plus it helps to have a time machine.
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