American Distress is the major theme from a band with the same name and same disc title. The album revolves around the idea of fear and putting fear into Americans by various elites who are supposed to protect the people. It is generally a commentary on what American culture has become... hungry materialist media driven imitators (?). The album opens with a dialogue and a banging first track, "Fraudulent Times". The lyrics
"everything is a copy of a copy" are probably the most memorable lyrics on any records in recent years. Listening to
American Distress creates this sense of explosion; it makes you want to scream and blow your freaking mind into pieces... I guess this makes sence with track titles like "Ill Logic" and "Nerve Damage". The title track totally sums up everything about
American Distress: lies and America's irreversible mess and chaos. The track that follows, "Bottles And Obscenities" features a little dialogue/skit that might be suggesting a future New York City as a chaotic wasteland. "Eternal Bullshit" is the media lies track. It features the ironically enthusiastic lines of "Yeaahhh is not real..." This is music of the armageddon, well, music about the end of American culture as we know it. Only listen to
American Distress with a clear head, and even then, it might just be a little too much for veteran hardcore listeners.
Fraudulent Times [wicked-cool song]Ill Logic
Nerve Damage
American Distress
Eternal Bullshit***files have expired, reload upon requestbuy
American Distress here
1 comment:
I haven't heard this album yet, but judging from your comment on the album, it sounds like counter culture propaganda. I hate that bullshit more than anything in the world; honestly, when people talk about elitism, or political conspiracy theories, with a superiority complex, but no foundation other than tired cliches ala 'copy of a copy' mentality I get bored very quickly. I thought you had more common sense than that Jackman. Honestly, I bet they're backed by one of the 'mainstream music corporations' that presumably funds the current government. Talk about hypocrisy, I mean, even if they aren't backed by a leading record label, they're still profiting from the society that they are so quick to shun. They're album is a copy of a copy...I love it when someone's cause is subsumed by the exact thing they are rebelling against. Three cheers for the paradox of the band that is fighting against the very thing that allows them to produce their album. Well, I'm drunk, but my argument makes total sense to me at this point in time, so I'll run with it. P.S. I would caution you against making such grandiose claims as 'the lyrics "everything is a copy of a copy" are probably the most memorable lyrics on any records in recent years'--ths makes you sound very ignorant. As for the statement that you should 'only listen to American Distress with a clear head, and even then, it might just be a little too much for veteran hardcore listeners'...I would suggest the opposite; you probably need to be drunk enough to be as ignorant to blindly accept such pompous balony. Once again, I remind you that I haven't heard this album yet, but I would caution you against anyone with an agenda...even mine!
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