I wrote a very short and inaccurate review on
Decompose by The Matches a few weeks ago. On that post, I expressed that it was not a great record; however, after listening to it about a thousand times last week, I have concluded that it is absolute a wicked-cool album!!!!
Decompose opens with "Salty Eyes", a nice little string intro that puts you right in with the opening lines,
"Do you belong to a song? Does it drag you along by the tongue at the top of your lungs"… and it only gets better during the midway mark with
"shrill notes begin, the grim violin, then from the silence a violence of sirens orchestrate the score." "Salty Eyes" is no doubt one of the best opening track I've heard this year. The second track, "Drive", is where the fun begins... thumping bassline and the whisper of
“drive, drive, drive...” sets up the pace for the rest of the album. On the surface, the song seems very simple, but there are actually some very smart lyrics:
"What we know about sex, learned from alcohol; what we know about sex, learned from bathroom walls…what little we know about love, stole from rock and roll." Holy crap, I was going to review every track from
Decompose, but that would be way too long and most of you are probably tired of reading this already... so let me skip to "What Katie Said" - probably my favorite track as I have been singing the chorus uncontrollably. Oh, and then there’s "Sunburn Vs. The Rhinovirus"... the break (
"I picked a bad day for the beach, crowds of scarcely clad sides of meat…") is absolute brilliant! Damn, again, it is really hard to not review all the tracks, but I have to skip some in order to make this post readable for those with A.D.D. Anyways, straight to the end track, "The Barbers Unhappiness". This is the only slow and low tempo song on the album (other than the intro). Despite this, it is still a great song... in fact, I think it is a fantastic way to close off such a fun, upbeat album. Oh no, I have to go to my typography class now. Enjoy the tracks below!
Salty Eyes [wicked-cool song]Drive [wicked-cool song]Papercut SkinWhat Katie Said [wicked-cool song]Sunburn vs. the Rhinovirus [wicked-cool song]Lazier Than Furniture
You (Don't) Know Me
The Barber's Unhappiness [wicked-cool song]***files have expired, reload upon requestbuy
Decompose here
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