Sunday, June 17, 2007

let me in the garden

Go below to read the fascinating liner notes from The Magic Position 7" Single explaining the origin of the song, "Augustin".

Augustin is a traditional song that started in Vienna during the Plague period of 1678-1679. the Legend tells us that one dark cold winters evening, Augustin walked out into the night fog from a bar and he suddenly realized that he had been drinking all night, then… he felt very tired, his heavy legs couldn’t carry him any further, so he decided on a nap half way home, which in the time of Plague, was not the most intelligent thing to do. In the morning, the corpse patrol found Augustin propped up against a tree, they threw his body on the cart with he other corpses and took him away. Luckily, Augustin woke in th nick of time, to the horror of the mortician and in no time at all, the rumor spread far and wide that wine was not only a cure but also a great cure for the plague.

Augustin [wicked-cool song]
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buy The Magic Postion 7" Single here

Also, I have re-uploaded all the songs from Patrick’s vCast episodes, you can download them from this link.


Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing!

Jackman said...

you're welcome!!!