Monday, January 28, 2008

mgmt: oraculat spectacular

When I received Oraculat Spectacular by Brooklyn’s MGMT in the mail about a week ago, I sat down and listened to it with two friends. By the time track seven came on, we noticed that the album felt quite unstructured. In the end, we concluded that it lacks a level of cohesiveness: it could be the ordering of the songs; and it could also be that the band’s directions/styles seem scattered. I have listened to Oraculat Spectacular a few more times since then and I still feel that it is rather disjointed. Although I cannot recommend the album as a whole, I have to say that there are at least a handful of good songs from MGMT’s debut. The surreal and dream-like sensations of “Of Moons, Birds & Monsters” “The Handshake” and “Future Reflections” are pretty entertaining while the electro-anthem sounding “Time To Pretend” and “Kids” are both excellent! Maybe I need to give Oraculat Spectacular a bit more time, but for now, I can only recommend 65-70% of the record.

Time To Pretend [wicked-cool song]
Kids [wicked-cool song]
The Handshake
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Watch the very amazing video for "Time To Pretend" below!

MGMT: Oraculat SpectacularOraculat Spectacular
comes out tomorrow, you can buy it here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree, this video is awesome!