Wednesday, May 28, 2008

no one cares, no one sympathizes. you just stay home and play synthesizers

The boys from HBO's The Flight of the Conchords released their self-titled album from SubPop last month. If you've never watched the shows or aren't a fan of novelty music, you might still like it. Having said that, I think some songs are heightened (or maybe just make a bit more sense) if you know the context in which they’re set (eg: “Leggy Blonde”). So, if you like the songs, then you should watch the DVD too. If you’ve seen the DVD, get the songs because they’ve been reworked here, and are strong enough to stand by themselves and to repeat listening.

Inner City Pressure
Hiphopopotamus vs Rhymenoceros
Think About It
The Most Beautiful Girl (In the Room)
***all files expire in 7 days or until bandwidth reaches its limit

visit Flight of the Conchords' MySpace here
buy Flight of the Conchords here

1 comment:

Jackman said...

Nice one Millie!